Grandy,A.S., Sinsabaugh,R.L., Neff,J.C., Stursova,M. and Zak,D.R.(2008): Nitrogen deposition effects on soil organic matter chemistry are linked to variation in enzymes, ecosystems and size fractions. Biogeochemistry, 91, 37-49.


@Recent research has dramatically advanced our understanding of soil organic matter chemistry and the role of N in some organic matter transformations, but the effects of N deposition on soil C dynamics remain difficult to anticipate. We examined soil organic matter chemistry and enzyme kinetics in three size fractions („250ƒสm, 63-250ƒสm, and ƒ63ƒสm) following 6 years of simulated atmospheric N deposition in two ecosystems with contrasting litter biochemistry (sugar maple, Acer saccharum - basswood, Tilia americana and black oak, Quercus velutina - white oak, Q. alba). Ambient and simulated (80-kg NO3--N ha-1 year-1) atmospheric N deposition were studied in three replicate stands in each ecosystem. We found striking, ecosystem-specific of N deposition on soil organic matter chemistry using pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. First, furfural, the dominant pyrolysis product of polysaccharides, was significantly decreased by simulated N deposition in the sugar maple-basswood ecosystem (15.9 vs. 5.0“) but was increased by N deposition in the black oak-white oak ecosystem (8.8 vs. 24.0“). Second, simulated atmospheric N deposition increased the ratio of total lignin derivatives to total polysaccharides in the „250ƒสm fraction of the sugar maple-basswood ecosystem from 0.9 to 3.3 but there were no changes in other size classes or in the black oak-white oak ecosystem. Third, simulated N deposition increased the ratio of lignin derivatives to N-bearing compounds in the 63-250 and „250ƒสm fractions in both ecosystems but not in the ƒ63ƒสm fraction. Relationships between enzyme kinetics and organic matter chemistry were strongest in the particulate fractions („63ƒสm) where there were multiple correlations between oxidative enzyme activities and concentrations of lignin derivatives and between glycanolytic enzyme activities and concentrations of carbohydrates. Within silt-clay fractions (ƒ63ƒสm), these enzyme-substrate correlations were attenuated by interactions with particle surfaces. Our results demonstrate that variation in enzyme activity resulting from atmospheric N deposition is directly linked to changes in soil organic matter chemistry, particularly those that occur within coarse soil size fractions.

Keywords: Nitrogen deposition; Enzymes; Carbon structure; Pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; Soil organic matterx

@Experimental site
@Soil fractionation
@SOM characterization
@Enzyme analyses
@Data analysis
@SOM concentration and distribution
@SOM composition
@Enzyme kinetics and relationships to SOM
@N deposition and SOM chemistry: a conceptual model
Summary and conclusions
