The production of N2 gas by denitrification may lead to the appearance
of a gas phase below the water table prohibiting the conservative
transport of tracer gases required for groundwater dating. We
used a two-phase flow and transport model (STOMP) to study the
reliability of 3H/3He, CDCs and SF6 as groundwater age tracers under agricultural
and where denitrification causes degassing. We were able to reproduce
the amount of degassing (R2=69%), as well as the 3H(R2=79%)
and 3He*(R2=76%) concentrations
observed in a 3H/3He data set using simple
2D models. We found that the TDG correction of the 3H/3He
age overestimated the control 3H/3He age
by 2.1 years, due to the accumulation of 3He*
in the gas phase. The total uncertainty of degassed 3H/3He
ages of 6 years (±2σ) is due to the correction of degassed 3He*
using the TDG method, but also due to the travel time in the unsaturated
zone and the diffusion of bomb peak 3He*.
CFCs appear to be subject to significant degradation in anoxic
groundwater and SF6 is highly susceptible
to degassing. We conclude that 3H/3 is the
most reliable method to date degassed groundwater and that two-phase
flow models such as STOMP are useful tools to assist in the interpretation
of degassed groundwater age tracer data.
Keywords: 3H/3; CFCs; SF6;
Groundwater dating; Two-phase transport modeling; Denitrification;
1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Model
3.1. Model description
3.2. Model limitations
3.3. 1D simulation
3.4. 2D simulations
3.5. Model summary
4. Accuracy of 3H/3He groundwater ages
5. Results
5.1. 1D model
5.2. 2D model calibration
5.3. Model performance at all 14 locations
5.4. Hydrological effect of degassing on groundwater age
5.5. Accuracy of 3H/3He ages of degassed
6. Discussion and conclusions