Lu,P. and Zhu,C.(2011): Arsenic Eh-pH diagrams at 25Ž and 1 bar. Environ. Earth Sci., 62, 1673-1683.


@A thermodynamic dataset for arsenic species in As-O-H-S-Fe-Ba system was compiled from the literature. Using this dataset, Eh-pH diagrams for the systems As-O-H, As-O-H-S, As-O-H-S-Fe, As-O-H-Ba, and As-O-H-S-Fe-Ba were constructed at 25Ž@and 1 bar. The inclusion of thioarsenite species in the systems As-O-H-S and As-O-H-S-Fe results in substantial differences from previously published Eh-pH diagrams. There are considerable differences in the thermodynamic properties for orpiment, realgar, scorodite, arsenopyrite, barium arsenate, and barium hydrogen arsenate, which result in vastly different stability fields when different values are adopted.

Keywords: Eh-pH diagrams; Arsenic; Compilationx

Internally consistent thermodynamic properties for arsenic
Eh-pH diagrams
@As-O-H-Ba and As-O-H-S-Fe-Ba
Concluding remarks
