Weathering of soil minerals under forest seems to depend on the
species present. To study the influence of tree species we placed
unweathered vermiculites in the soil and assessed the impact in
terms of saturation index of earth-alkaline cations and cation
exchange capacity in 64 forest stands, dominated by different
species and growing side by side at 20 sites on acidic soils.
The vermiculites were of two types, one with a large charge and
the other with a small charge. Minerals were maintained in the
soil for 1 and 3 years.
The minerals placed in the topsoil and in soils with low buffering
capacity were more acidified and weathered than those deeper in
the soil and in less acid conditions. The vermiculites were transformed
into hydroxylated interlayered vermiculites, and the formation
of hydroxides in the interlayer space decreased the vermiculites'
cation exchange capacities. The high-charge vermiculite had a
grater affinity for aluminium than the low-charge variety. The
effect of tree species was significant but small compared with
factors such as soil type, depth and during of incubation. Nevertheless,
we can rank the acidifying and weathering caused by the trees
in the following order: Picea abies(ヨーロッパトウヒ), Abies
alba(ヨーロッパモミ)>Pinus sylvestris(ヨーロッパアカマツ), Pseudotsuga
menziesii(オレゴンパイン)>Quercus spp.(コナラ属), Fagus sylvatica(ヨーロッパブナ).
This in situ experimental approach enable us to study potential
trends in pedogenesis in few years.』
abies)、ヨーロッパモミ(Abies alba)>ヨーロッパアカマツ(Pinus sylvestris)、オレゴンパイン(Pseudotsuga
menziesii)>コナラ属(Quercus spp.)、ヨーロッパブナ(Fagus sylvatica)。このような現場での実験的手法により、我々は数年間の土壌生成において起こりえる傾向を研究することが可能である。』
Materials and methods
Changes in the vermiculites
Effect of length of incubation on the test minerals
Effect of incubation depth on the test minerals
Effect of bedrock type on the test minerals
Effect of vermiculite type on the test minerals
Effect of tree species on the test minerals