『Weatherable minerals under many European coniferous forests contain a network of numerous tubular pores, formed by organic acids exuded by fungi. We believe that symbiotic mycorrhizal hyphae translocate dissolved minerals from the isolated micropores directly to their host plants, bypassing competition for nutrient uptake by other organisms. The discovery of this pathway challenges current ideas about nutrient uptake from the bulk soil solution and criteria for critical loads of acidic deposition on forests.』
『Pores of width 3-10μm, which sometimes contain fungal hyphae,
are widespread in feldspars (Fig. 1, 2) and hornblendes
in podzol E soil horizons and granitic bedrock under Pinus
sylvestris(ヨーロッパアカマツ), Picea abies(ヨーロッパトウヒ) and ericaceous
shrubs in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Micropores are rare in deeper podzol horizons and in acidic brown
forest soils (Cambisols). We believe that the pores were formed
by mycorrhizal or saprotrophic fungi, which exude organic acids1)
from their hyphal tips. Such acids enhance mineral weathering
by forming complexes with aluminium.』
![]() Figure 1 Thin-section micrograph in cross-polarized visible light with 550-nm retardation (gypsum plate), showing an alkali feldspar from a podzol E soil horizon (yellow) with micropores (purple) and 5-μm-thick fungal hyphae (brown). 図1 550nmのレターデーション(石膏検板)を加えた十字ニコル下での薄片写真で、微小孔(紫色)と5μmの厚みの菌糸(褐色)を伴う、ポドゾルE土壌層からのアルカリ長石(黄色)を示す。 |
![]() Figure 2 Scanning electron micrograph, showing 4-6-μm-thick hyphae entering a calcium feldspar at a granite surface near Lunsen, Sweden. 図2 スウェーデンのルンセン近くの花崗岩表面にある、カルシウム長石へ侵入している4〜6μmの厚みの菌糸を示す走査電顕写真。 |
『We found micro- to millimolar concentrations of succinate(琥珀酸塩), citrate(クエン酸塩), oxalate(蓚酸塩), formate(蟻酸塩) and malate(りんご酸塩) in Swedish bulk soil solutions. Concentrations are likely to be higher near hyphal tips inside the pores. Fungal hyphal tips producing millimolar concentrations of these acids could dissolve calcium-rich plagioclase feldspars to form pores at rates of 0.3-30 μm yr-11). From total-element soil analyses, we calculated losses by weathering in one Swedish soil (assuming zirconium to be inert2), and infer that 〜150 m of pores are formed annually per dm3 of E horizon, and that about 107 hyphal tips are eating their way through sand grains at any one time. Each feldspar grain would contain several active hyphal tips, but less than 1% of all pores would contain hyphae. These values are consistent with our micromorphological observations in podzol E horizons.』
m の細孔がE層のdm3当りで形成され、およそ107 の菌糸尖端が砂粒子の中に道をつくるためにそれを食べていると推定している。それぞれの長石粒子はいくつかの活動的な菌糸尖端を含むであろうが、菌糸が含まれるのは全細孔の1%以下だろう。これらの値は、ポドゾルE層における我々の微小形態の観察と一致する。』
『In Sweden, the abundant hyphae that occupy podzol E horizons
and the dense mycelial mats on granitic bedrock surfaces are predominantly
ectomycorrhizal. We have observed direct hyphal connections between
rock surfaces and plant roots colonized with the ectomycorrhyzal
fungae Suillus granulatus(チチアワタケ) and Piloderma croceum
. We therefore expect that our DNA-based identification of fungi
on rock surfaces and the tracing of weathering products in fungi
will show that ectomycorrhizal fungi are the main organisms mediating
pore formation.』
granulatus(チチアワタケ)および Piloderma croceum の外生菌根菌とコロニーをつくる植物根との間の菌糸連結を、我々は直接に観察した。その結果、岩石表面の菌類をDNAに基づいて同定し、菌類の風化産物を調べることが、外生菌根菌が細孔形成を媒介する主な生物であることを示すことになると、我々は思っている。』
『Nutrient supply by mycorrhiza from inside minerals upsets conventional
ideas of mineral nutrient uptake from the bulk soil solution.
Acid atmospheric deposition has depleted exchangeable basic cations3)
and increased concentrations of dissolved, inorganic, phytotoxic
Al3+ in soils4). Organically complexed aluminium
released during pore formation by fungi is less phytotoxic5).
Low ratios of dissolved Ca2+/Al3+ are particularly
detrimental to tree roots6) and critical values of Ca2+/Al3+
in nutrient solution experiments have been used to calculate critical
loads of acid atmospheric deposition7). If trees can access
Ca2+ and Mg2+ from inside mineral grains,
Al3+ in acidified soil solutions may be irrelevant
to the uptake of calcium by roots, and the calculated critical
loads of acidic deposition may be invalid.』
Ca2+や Mg2+に近づけるなら、酸性化した土壌溶液中のAl3+は根からのカルシウム摂取とは無関係となるし、酸性降下物について計算された臨界負荷は根拠の薄いものになるだろう。』
『Our findings question the need to add lime to acidified podzolic
forest soils in Sweden, a process that is often thought necessary8).
A mechanism by which mycorrhizal hyphae can bypass the acidified
soil to reach minerals may help explain why forest productivity
across Europe has not decreased9), in spite of recent excessive
soil acidification.』