Loesses form wide belts in front of previously glaciated areas.
Their thicknesses may be considerable, changing in Eurasia from
maximally a few metres in the west to a hundred metres or more
in the east. The Eastern (particularly Chinese) loesses are mostly
unrelated to glaciations. The periglacial loesses from China and
elsewhere predominantly date from the last Pleistocene glaciation:
relatively few comparable occurrences are known from earlier Quaternary
glaciations. As it is difficult to imagine that the conditions
in front of the land-ice masses during the earlier glaciations
differed fundamentally from those of the last one, considerable
quantities of loess must have disappeared. This disappearance,
which is commonly ascribed to fluvial and eolian erosion, is not
easily explained as equivalent deposits that nay have the older
loesses as a source, are practically absent. A possible explanation
might be that loess is recycled during successive glaciations.
Some loess disappears during interglacials by erosion, but this
quantity is more than compensated by the formation of new silt
particles. The implication would be that the loess deposits increase
in volume for each new glaciation.
Keywords: silt; periglacial processes; sediment recycling; sorting;
eolian abrasion; glacial grinding』
1. Introduction
2. Loess formation, deposition and erosion
2.1. Loess formation
2.2. Hot deserts
2.3. Cold areas
2.4. Drowned source areas
2.5. Glacial grinding
2.6. Deposition of loess
2.7. Erosion of loess
3. Recycled loesses