Historic and current agricultural and industrial activities have
resulted in accumulation of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil. To estimate
potential risks for ecosystems, agriculture and water quality,
an integrated risk assessment was performed for The Netherlands.
Risks of metal contamination were assessed on a national scale
by comparing present soil concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn
with critical concentrations of those metals in view of agricultural
impacts, ecological impacts and impacts on the quality of groundwater
and surface waters. Results show that present soil metal concentrations
cause few risks for agriculture or ecosystems; for less than 2%
of the surface area present metal levels exceed critical limits.
Critical limits for groundwater are only significantly exceeded
for Pb (17% of the area), but critical limits for surface water
are exceeded throughout the country for Cu and Zn. Taking critical
limits used in The Netherlands, the area where exceedances take
place is nearly negligible for Cd and low for Pb (less than 3%),
but much larger (between 40% and 50%) for both Cu and Zn. Results
from this study suggest that accumulation of heavy metals in Dutch
soils at present primarily affects the quality of surface waters.
This stresses the need for harmonization of soil and water policy.
Measures to reduce the load in surface waters to meet target levels,
under conditions like those prevailing in The Netherlands, are
bound to have an impact on land management.
Keywords: Critical concentrations; Metals; Agricultural impacts;
Food quality; Ecological impacts; Soil organisms; Aquatic organisms;
Groundwater quality; Surface water quality』
1 Introduction
2 Methodological approach
2.1 General approach to assess the risk of present soil metal
2.2 Relations used to assess the geographic variation in critical
soil metal concentrations and in present metal concentrations
discharged to surface water and to groundwater
Calculation of critical soil metal concentrations for food quality
Calculation of critical soil metal concentrations for animal
health and quality of animal products
Calculation of critical soil metal concentrations for ecological
Calculation of present groundwater and surface water concentrations
2.3 Spatial schematization of input parameters
2.4 Critical limits for arable crops, animal products and water
3 Results
Present soil metal concentrations
Impacts on agriculture
Impacts on surface water and groundwater quality
4 Discussion and conclusions
Reliability of the approach
Applicability of the approach