Nimick,D.A., Gammons,C.H. and Parker,S.R.(2011): Diel biogeochemical processes and their effect on the aqueous chemistry of streams: A review. Chemical Geology, 283, 3-17.


 This review summarizes biogeochemical processes that operate on diel, or 24-h, time scales in streams and the changes in aqueous chemistry that are associated with these processes. Some biogeochemical processes, such as those producing diel cycles of dissolved O2 and pH, were the first to be studied, whereas processes producing diel concentration cycles of a broader spectrum of chemical species including dissolved gases, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon, trace elements, nutrients, stable isotopes, and suspended particles have received attention only recently. Diel biogeochemical cycles are interrelated because the cyclical variations produced by one biogeochemical process commonly affect another. Thus, understanding biogeochemical cycling is essential nit only for guiding collection and interpretation of water-quality data but also for geochemical and ecological studies of streams. Expanded knowledge of diel biogeochemical cycling will improve understanding of how natural aquatic environments function and thus lead to better predictions of how stream ecosystems might react to changing conditions of contaminant loading, eutrophication, climate change, drought, industrialization, development, and other factors.

Keywords: Diurnal: Geochemistry; Trace elements; Nutrients; Carbon; Isotopes』

1. Introduction
2. Biogeochemistry of physical and chemical characteristics that exhibit diel cycles in streams
 2.1. Water temperature
 2.2. Streamflow
 2.3. Dissolved gases
 2.4. pH
 2.5. Dissolved inorganic carbon
 2.6. Dissolved organic matter
 2.7. Nutrients
 2.8. Stable isotopes
 2.9. Trace elements
  2.9.1. Iron speciation and concentration
  2.9.2. Arsenic
  2.9.3. Zinc, cadmium, manganese, and other cationic trace elements
  2.9.4. Causes of diel cycles of cationic trace elements and arsenic
  2.9.5. Mercury
  2.9.6. Diel trace-element cycles related to cyanide photodissociation
  2.9.7. Total suspended solids and particulate trace elements
3. Role of biofilm
4. Measurement methods
5. Implications
