Oudin,L., Andreassian(eの頭に´),V., Lerat,J. and Michel,C.(2008): Has land cover a significant impact on mean annual streamflow? An international assessment using 1508 catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 357, 303-316.【見る→】
『土地被覆は平均年間流水量に大きな影響を与えるか? 1508の流域についての国際評価』

 This paper investigates the link between vegetation types and long-term water balance in catchment areas. We focus on the most widely used water balance formulas - or models - that relate long-term annual streamflow to long-term annual rainfall and long-term potential evapotranspiration estimates. Our investigation seeks to assess whether long-term streamflow can be explained by land cover attributes. As all but one of these formulas do not use land cover information, we develop a methodology to introduce land cover information into the models' formulations. Then, the modified formulas are compared to the original ones in terms of performance and a sensitivity analysis is performed, with a special focus on the parameters representing vegetation characteristics. In line with the global coverage of long-term water balance models, we base our work on as many basins as possible (1508) representing as large a hydroclimatic variety as possible.
 Results show that introducing additional degrees of freedom within the original formulas improves overall model efficiency, and that land cover information makes only a small but nonetheless significant contribution to this improvement.

Keywords: Rainfall-runoff modelling; Land cover; Long-term water balance; Overparametarization; Sensitivity analysis; Budyko formula』

 Are we able to predict the effects of land-use changes on streamflow?
 How should land cover information be integrated into water balance formulas?
 Scope of the paper
 Simple water balance models
  A systematic approach to determining the relevance of land cover in water balance models
 Modification of original water balance formulas
 Assessing the sensitivity of the modified water balance formulas to land cover
 Assessing the water balance models' efficiency
 Performance of the water balance models
 Sensitivity of the water balance models to land cover data
 Model parameter interpretation
 Resampling of the catchment set to assess possible dataset bias
  Impact of the dataset's climate and catchment characteristics
  Impact of the geographic origin of catchment data
