Bosch,N.S. and Allan,J.D.(2008): The influence of impoundments on nutrient budgets in two catchments of southeastern Michigan. Biogeochemistry, 87, 325-338.


 N and P budgets quantify inputs and outputs of nutrients at the catchment scale to allow evaluation of inputs and outputs as well as inferences about transport and processing based on unaccounted-for nutrients. N and P budgets were constructed for two catchments in southeastern Michigan with markedly different numbers of impoundments, over two years, to evaluate the influence of impoundments on nutrient fluxes from each catchment. The Huron, with 88 impoundments>10 ha, stored 156 kg P km-2 y-1, while the Raisin (with 14 impoundments) had a net export of 102 kg P km-2 y-1. The Huron catchment also stored and denitrified more N than the Raisin catchment−2,418 kg N km-2 y-1 compared to 1,538 kg N km-2 y-1. Riverine export of N and P also varied markedly between the catchments, with the Huron River exporting 288 kg N and 7 kg P km-2 y-1 and the Raisin River exporting 1,268 kg N and 34 kg P km-2 y-1. We then re-calculated budget results from previous studies using the approach of the present study, altering input and outputs fluxes as well as system boundaries to obtain comparable budgets. For these comparable budgets, annual P outputs on average accounted for 77% of inputs whereas N outputs accounted for only 39% of N inputs. Across catchments, the percent of inputs exported by the river averaged 16% for N and 5% for P, indicating more effective retention of P and N.

Keywords: Catchment; Impoundments; Mass balance; Nitrogen; Nitrogen budget; Phosphorus: Phosphorus budget; Rivers』

 Study area
 Huron and Raisin nutrient budgets
 Atmospheric deposition and NHx volatilization
 Fertilizer application
 Manure application
 Sewage disposal
 Nitrogen fixation
 Crop export and food & feed export
 River export
 Re-calculation of budgets from other studies using the reference method
 Huron and Raisin nitrogen budgets
 Huron and Raisin phosphorus budgets
 Huron and Raisin N and P river exports
 Budget comparisons with other studies
 Huron and Raisin nutrient fluxes
 Comparisons with other studies
 Budgeting uncertainty and limitations

Table 8 Comparison of P budgets for various catchments and geographic areas after adjusting results from other studies so they are omparable to the “reference method” P budget described in this study (kg P km-2 y-1)
Geographic unit Rain Fertilizer Manure Sludge Point source disch. Total P inputs Crop export River export Total P outputs %P inputs accounted for as outputs %P inputs exported by rivers
Huron catchmenta 14 275 90 103 6 489 326 7 333 68 1.3
Raisin catchmenta 14 630 172 62 3 881 949 34 983 112 3.9
Maumee catchmentb 14 1,550 450 43 14 2,071 1,115 135 1,250 60 6.5
Sandusky catchmentb 14 1,470 360 27 10 1,881 1,175 140 1,315 70 7.4
State of Illinoisc 14 1,180 240 136 68 1,638 1,353 100 1,453 89 6.1
Muskingham catchmentd 14 322 372 151 66 925 581 61 642 69 6.6
Minnesota catchmentd 14 872 460 5 5 1,356 1,028 32 1,060 78 2.4
Mississippi basind 14 346 336 41 20 757 466 42 507 67 5.5
Sources: aThis study; bBaker and Richards(2002); cDavid and Gentry (2000); dGoolsby et al. (1999)

Table 9 Comparison of N budgets for various catchments and geographic areas after adjusting results from other studies so they are omparable to the “reference method” N budget described in this study (kg N km-2 y-1)
Geographic unit Atmos. dep. Fert. app. N fixation Food & feed import Total N inputs Voltal. Food & feed export River export Total N outputs %N inputs accounted for as outputs %N inputs exported by rivers
Huron catchmenta 954 1,846 1,586 - 4,386 37 659 288 984 22 6.6
Raisin catchmenta 954 4,171 2,663 - 7,788 55 4,928 1,268 6,250 80 16.3
Mohawk catchmentb 1,130 411 1,309 624 3,474 56 - 795 851 24 22.9
Rappahannock catchmentb 1,028 1,030 1,716 607 4,381 134 - 470 604 14 10.7
All NE U.S. catchmentsb 1,067 474 907 748 3,196 108 - 718 826 26 22.5
State of Illinoisc 520 5,930 3,050 - 9,500 77 6,240 1,670 6,407 68 17.6
Sources: aThis study; bBoyer et al.(2002); cDavid and Gentry (2000)
