@Herein, the relationship between soil radon behavior and groundwater
recharge in the town of Hosha, a semi-arid area of Jordan is explored.
The annual rainfall average in this area is between 60-100 mm
year-1. Soil radon concentration levels, using CR-39
detectors, have been measured at several depths. Nine sampling
sites on a hill slope, in the summer and winter 2006 were chosen.
Other soil parameters such as moisture, soil type and porosity
were also measured. Correlation between the latter and the calculated
effective diffusion coefficients, based on a linear approximation,
was done in order to explore water movement. A weak correlation
between the soil radon concentration and water recharge in this
particular semi-arid area is observed. The results show that water
recharge takes place vertically, i.e., water moves downward and
in one of the nine sampling sites this movement seems to be more
rapid compared to the other sites
Keywords: Soil gas; Radon; Water recharge; Semi-arid; hosha; Jordanx
Geology of the study area
Materials and methods
@Grain size analysis (soil classification)
Results and discussion