Darling,W.G. and Gooddy,D.C.(2006): The hydrogeochemistry of methane: Evidence from English groundwaters. Chemical Geology, 229, 293-312.


 The presence of methane (CH4) in groundwater is usually only noticed when it rises to high concentrations; to date rather little is known about its production or natural ‘baseline’ conditions. Evidence from a range of non-polluted groundwater environments in England, including water supply aquifers, aquicludes and thermal waters, reveals that CH4 is almost always detectable, even in aerobic conditions. Measurements of potable waters from Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic carbonate and sandstone aquifers reveal CH4 concentrations of up to 500μg/l, but a mean value of <10μg/l. However, aquiclude and thermal and thermal waters from the Carboniferous and Triassic typically contain in excess of 1500μg/l. Such high concentrations have so far only been found at redox (Eh) potentials below 0 mV, but in general CH4 concentration and Eh value are poorly correlated. This suggests a lack of thermodynamic equilibrium, which is confirmed by comparing pe values calculated from the redox couple C(4)/C(-4) with those derived from Eh. Genesis of CH4 appears to occur on two timescales: a rapid if low rate of production from labile carbon in anaerobic microsites in the soil, and a much longer, millennium scale of production from more refractory carbon. Methane is rarely measured in groundwater; there is no single ionic determinand which acts universally as a proxy, but a combination of high HCO3 and low SO4 concentrations, or the reverse, is an indication that high amounts of CH4 may be present.

Keywords: Methane; Aquifers; Redox; Carbon isotopes; Chalk; Limestone; Sandstone』

1. Introduction
2. Background
 2.1. Occurrence of methane
 2.2. Geochemical indicators
  2.2.1. Redox indicators
  2.2.2. Carbon cycling
 2.3. Groundwater environments
3. Sampling and analysis
4. Results
 4.1. The Chalk aquifer of the wider London Basin
 4.2. The Lower Greensand of southeast England
 4.3. The Lincolnshire Limestone of eastern England
 4.4. The Sherwood Sandstone of the East Midlands
 4.5. Namurian shales of northern England
 4.6. Thermal waters: Buxton, Bath and Southampton
 4.7. Elevated methane contents: higher hydrocarbon and isotopic evidence
  4.7.1. Lincolnshire Limestone
  4.7.2. Wessex Basin Sherwood Sandstone
  4.7.3. Namurian shales
5. Discussion
 5.1. The effects of modern perturbations on natural flow regimes
 5.2. Redox conditions
 5.3. Substrate sources
 5.4. Timescales of accumulation
 5.5. Hydrochemical screening for methane
6. Conclusions
