Wu,Q. and Liu,S.(2011): The classification of mine environmental geology problems in China. Environ. Earth Sci., 64, 1505-1511.


 To classify mine environmental geology problems, three schemes are advanced. The first one, according to mine type, is relatively particular but with some problems repeated across mine types. The second one, according to the developmental stage of the mines, describes different problems in the whole development and evolvement history of mines, however it is still large scale and simplistic. The third one, based on the characteristics of the geological problems existing in the mines, is more easily applied. The third scheme can also be used to analyze the characteristics of different types of mine environmental geology problems.

Keywords: Mine environmental geology problems; Classification; Mine type; Mine development』

Classification of mine environmental geology problems
 Classification based on mine types
 Classification based on developmental stages of mines
Characteristics of mine environmental geology problems
 Three wastes
  Solid wastes
  Liquid wastes
  Gas wastes
 Ground deformation
  Mine sink
  Karst collapse
  Ground subsidence
  Slope stabilization
  Ground fissure
  Debris flow
  Karst mine deposit filling with water
  Coal mining and protecting water resources in northwest China
 Soil erosion
