Market-based instruments, particularly carbon tax, have recently
drawn the attention of Chinese government by their cost-effective
contribution to the achievement of China's climate targets. Most
of the recent policy proposals have focused on its long-term impact.
However, particularly for policy markers, both long term and short
term effects of carbon tax would be necessary when determining
tax rates. We provided a detailed analysis of short-term impacts
of carbon tax on sectoral competitiveness in this paper. We divided
China's economy into 36 sectors, based on its 2007 input-output
table, in order to examine the ratio of carbon tax added costs
to sector GDP. We were thus able to determine the impact level
of a carbon tax on each sector. We then divided the sectoral trade
impact into domestic competitiveness with regards to foreign imported
products and international competitiveness external to the Chinese
domestic market. We found that a high tax level (100 yuan/t CO2) may necessitate compensatory measures to certain
highly affected industries, and that a low tax rate (10 yuan/t
CO2) would generate few competitiveness problems
for all industries and may therefore be considered as an appropriate
starting point.
Keywords: Sectoral competitiveness; Carbon tax; China』
1. Introduction
2. Method
2.1. Assumptions
2.2. Direct and indirect sectoral CO2 emissions
2.3. Competitiveness impact
3. Data
3.1. Choice of year
3.2. Sector classification and sectoral economic data
3.3. Sectoral fossil fuels consumption
3.4. Rates of carbon tax
4. Results
4.1. Sector carbon costs per value-added and per GDP share
4.1.1. General view
4.1.2. Energy supply sectors
4.1.3. Manufacturing sectors
4.2. Import intensity and domestic market competitiveness
4.3. Export intensity and international competitiveness
4.4. Choice of threshold
4.5. Results comparison with other studies
5. Conclusion
Appendix A. Related tables
Appendix B. Related tables