Zhou,S., Tong,Q., Yu,S., Wang,Y., Chai,Q. and Zhang,X.(2012): Role of non-fossil energy in meeting China's energy and climate target for 2020. Energy Policy, 51, 14-19.


 China is the largest energy consumer and CO2 emitter in the world. The Chinese environment faces growing challenges of ensuring energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To address these two issues, the Chinese government has announced two ambitious domestic indicative autonomous mitigation targets for 2020: increasing the ratio of non-fossil energy to 15% and reducing carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% from 2005 levels. To explore the role of non-fossil energy in achieving these two targets, this paper first provides an overview of current status of non-fossil energy development in china; then gives a brief review of GDP and primary energy consumption; next assesses in detail the role of the non-fossil energy in 2020, including the installed capacity and electricity generation of non-fossil energy sources, the share and role of non-fossil energy in the electricity structure, emissions reduction resulting from the shift to non-fossil energy, and challenges for accomplishing the mitigation targets in 2020; finally, conclusions and policy measures for non-fossil energy development are proposed.

Keywords: Non-fossil energy; Low carbon energy; Emission reduction』

1. Introduction
2. Current status of non-fossil energy
 2.1. Nuclear energy
 2.2. Hydropower
 2.3. Wind farm
 2.4. Solar energy
 2.5. Biomass energy
 2.6. Other renewable energy sources
3. Brief review on the primary energy consumption and forest
 3.1. GDP and it growth rate
 3.2. The primary energy consumption
4. The role of non-fossil energy
 4.1. The total non-fossil electricity in 2020
 4.2. Installed capacity structure of non-fossil electricity
 4.3. Non-fossil electricity generation by technologies
 4.4. Newly added non-fossil energy contribution to carbon intensity target in 2020
 4.5. The share of non-fossil energy and challenges
 4.6. Data and result uncertainty
5. Conclusion
