China became a major player in renewable energy (RE) technology
during the 2000s. Chinese solar PV cell and module makers quickly
dominated global scales in that industry, while the contry's wind
turbine producers became poised for significant exports after
capturing their rapidly growing home market. In countries like
the US, Chinese RE technology strength has been met with claims
of excessive governmental support of exports. This study examines
to what extent Chinese firms' solar PV and wind technology successes
have been enabled by policy supports, and whether those policies
appear to have been driven by broader goals versus RE export promotion
per se. The evidence suggests that governmental policy toward
both wind and solar originated in a push for export-competitive
Chinese companies. But the specifics differed substantially due
to the particular requirements of building technological capabilities
in each: export readiness necessitated substantial support for
domestic installation of wind but not solar PV power. The findings
also suggest that as the decade of the 2000s progressed, environmental
goals played an increasing role alongside export promotion in
motivating and shaping Chinese RE technology policies.
Keywords: China; Renewable energy; Policy supports』
1. Introduction
2. Renewable energy technology growth
2.1. Solar PV technology
2.2. Wind turbine technology
3. The proximate influences
3.1. Market, capability and policy in solar PV
3.2. Market, capability and policy in wind turbines
4. The broader context
5. Conclusion: implications for China and the US