Vehicle-use intensity (kilometers traveled per vehicle per year
or VKT) is important because it directly affects simulation results
for vehicle fuel use and emissions, but the poor understanding
of VKT in China could significantly affect the accuracy of estimation
of total fuel use and CO2 emissions, and
thus impair precise evaluation of the effects of associated energy
and environmental policies. As an important component of our work
on the Fuel Economy and Environmental Impacts (FEEI) model, we
collected VKT survey data in China from available sources and
conducted additional surveys during 2004 and 2010, from which
we derived VKT values and VKT-age functions by vehicle type for
China. We also projected the future VKT for China by examining
the relationship of vehicle use to per-capita GDP in 20 other
countries worldwide. The purpose of this work is to achieve a
better understanding of vehicle-use intensity in China and to
generate reliable VKT input (current and future VKT levels) for
the FEEI model. The VKT results obtained from this work could
also benefit other work in the field associated with vehicle energy
use and emissions.
Keywords: Vehicle kilometers traveled; Energy use; CO2
1. Introduction
2. Current status of vehicle use
2.1. Average VKT
2.1.1. Light-duty passenger vehicles
2.1.2. Buses
2.1.3. Trucks
2.1.4. Motorcycles
2.1.5. Rural vehicles
2.2. VKT variation over vehicle lifespan
3. Future trends of vehicle-use intensity
3.1. Cars
3.2. Trucks and buses
4. Discussion