He,F. and Qin,D.(2006): China's energy strategy in the twenty-first century. China & World Economy, 14(2), 93-104.


 China's energy demand and energy imports have increased substantially in recent 5 years and will continue to grow in future. Increasing dependency on the world market and the tension between energy supply and demand clearly show that energy is becoming a major constraint for China's future economic development. We introduce the background of China's energy demand and supply in this paper and discuss China's energy strategy in the twenty-first century, focusing on growth, energy security and environmental sustainability.

Key words: Chinese economy; energy security; energy strategy』

I. Introduction
II. China's energy consumption and its energy mix
 1. Energy efficiency
 2. Composition of China's energy consumption
 3. Comparison of China's energy consumption with the world total
III. China's energy strategy
 1. Maintaining high growth
 2. Energy security
  Fluctuation of oil price
  Safety of international shipping lanes and pipe lines
  Rethinking the “establishing oil supply base abroad” policy
  Rethinking Sino-US relationship
  Rivalry and cooperation among Asian economies
 3. Environmental sustainability
IV. Conclusions
