An analysis using reserves as a measure of resource abundance
suggests that natural resource abundance has not been a significant
structural determinant of economic growth in the seventies and
eighties. The story behind the effect of natural resources on
economic growth is a complex one that typical growth regressions
do not capture well. Preliminary evidence suggests that natural
resources may affect economic growth through both ‘positive’ and
‘negative channels.’ Potential reverse causality running from
these ‘channels’ to fuel and mineral reserves further complicates
the analysis. I conjecture that, as economic historians suggest,
the ability of a country to exploit its resource base depends
critically on the nature of the learning process involved.
Keywords: Natural resources; Economic growth; Development』
Literature review
Dutch disease models
How it is produced, not what is produced
Different environment, different effects
Indicators of resource abundance
Resource reserves vs. production
Resource abundance vs. resource exports
Resource abundance and economic growth
Growth regressions
Reproducing sachs and warner
Introducing resource abundance
Controlling for ‘growth club’ membership
Reintroducing SXP
Channels of operation
Oil and gas reserves
Coal reserves
Mineral reserves
Appendix A. Data appendix
A.1. Economic and political variables
Appendix B. Energy reserve data
B.1. Oil
B.2. Gas
B.3. Coal
Appendix C. Mineral reserve data