We examine the relationship between resource abundance and several
indication of human welfare. Consistent with the existing literature
on the relationship between resource abundance and economic growth
we find that, given an initial income level, resource-intensive
countries tend to suffer lower levels of human development. While
we find only weak support for a direct link between resources
and welfare, there is an indirect link that operates through institutional
quality. There are also significant differences in the effects
that resources have on different measures of institutional quality.
These results imply that the “resource curse” is a more encompassing
phenomenon than previously considered, and that key differences
exist between the effects of different resource types on various
aspects of governance and human welfare.
Key words: resource curse; human development; resource wealth
and scarcity』
1. Introduction
2. The resource curse and its implications
3. Data and empirical procedure
4. Results of regression analyses
5. Conclusions and discussion
Appendix A. Data sources and summary statistics