Chavan,P.V. and Dennett,K.E.(2008): Wetland simulation model for nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments retention in constructed wetlands. Water Air Soil Pollut, 187, 109-118.


 Steamboat Creek, Washoe County, Nevada, is considered the most polluted tributary of the Truckee River, therefore the reduction of nutrients from the creek is an important factor in reducing eutrophication in the lower Truckee River. Restoration of the wetlands along the creek has been proposed as one method to improve water quality by reducing nutrient and sediments from non-point sources. This study was aimed to design a simulation model wetlands water quality model (WWQM) that evaluates nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments retention from a constructed wetland system. WWQM is divided into four submodels: hydrological, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment. WWQM is virtual Visual Basic 6.0 program that calculates hydrologic parameters, nutrients, and sediments based on available data, simple assumptions, knowledge of the wetland system, and literature data. WWQM calibration and performance was evaluated using data sets obtained from the pilot-scale constructed wetland over a period of four and half years. The pilot-scale wetland was constructed to quantify the ability of the proposed wetland system for nutrient and sediment removal. WWQM simulates nutrient and sediments retention reasonably well and agrees with the observed values from the pilot-scale wetland system. The model predicts that wetlands along the creek will remove nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments by 62, 38, and 84%, respectively, which would help to reduce eutrophication in the lower Truckee River.

Keywords: Wetland modeling; Nutrients; Total suspended solids; Simulation model』

1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
 2.1. Description of study area
3. Sample collection and analyses
4. Modeling approach
 4.1. Model assumptions
 4.2. General model description
  4.2.1. Hydrological submodel
  4.2.2. Nitrogen submodel
 4.3. Total suspended solids submodel
 4.4. Phosphorus submodel
5. Model calibration
6. Statistical analysis
7. Model application and performance
8. Sensitivity analysis
9. Conclusions and recommendations
