Kwak,J.-H., Choi,W.-J., Lim,S.-S., Lee,S.-H., Lee,S.-M., Chang,S.X., Jung,J.-W., Yoon,K.-S. and Choi,S.-M.(2008): Sources and transformations of N in reclaimed coastal tidelands: evidence from soil δ15N data. Environ. Geol., 53, 1331-1338.


 Electrical conductivity of saturated soil extracts (ECe) in three reclaimed tideland (RTL) soils on the west coast of Korea decreased with time since reclamation, indicating natural desalinization through leaching of salts by precipitation water. Soil N concentration increased with decreasing ECe. With the increase in soil N concentration, the δ15N decreased, likely caused by the input of 15N-depleted N sources. As N2-fixing plant species were found in the oldest RTL, atmospheric N2 fixation likely contributed to the increase in soil N concentration in the oldest RTL. Negative δ15N (-7.1 to -2.0‰) of total inorganic N (NH4+ + NO3-) and published data on N deposition near the study area indicate that atmospheric N deposition might be another source of N in the RTLs. meanwhile, the consistently negative δ15N of soil NO3- excluded N input from chemical fertilizer through groundwater flow as a potential N source, since NO3- in groundwater generally have a positive δ15N. The patterns of δ15N of NH4+ (+2.3 to +5.1‰) and NO3- (-9.2 to -5.0‰) suggested that nitrification was an active process that caused 15N enrichment in NH4+ but denitrification was probably minimal which would otherwise have caused 15N enrichment in NO3-. A quantitative approach on N budget would provide a better understanding of soil N dynamics in the studied RTLs.

Keywords: Atmospheric N deposition; N2 fixation; 15N natural abundance; Saline soil; West Korea』

Materials and methods
 Study site
 Soil sampling and chemical analyses
 Calculations and statical analyses
 ECe and N concentration of soils
 δ15N values and their relationship with N concentration
 ECe and N concentration of soils
 δ15N, potential N sources, and N transformations
