『Since the creation of the International Energy Agency thirty
years ago, the world energy scene has changed significantly. Energy
production is more diverse by type and geographically, demand
growth is shifting outside the IEA countries, technology has made
tremendous progress and environmental concerns have emerged as
a driver for energy policies.
For the Agency's 25th Anniversary, we produced 25 graphs and tables
to capture the high points of a quarter century of change - first
at world level, then among our Member countries.The brochure was
well received. On the occasion of the IEA's 30th Anniversary we
have produced a similar brochure, adding five new graphs for our
thirty years.
As this rapid survey shows, our Members' energy policies have
been guided by the concepts laid down in the International Energy
Program of 1974, the 1977 IEA Principles for Energy Policy and
the 1993 Shared Goals. They have evolved with the challenges to
promote the IEA's "Three E's" of energy security, economic
growth and environmental protection.
But new factors bring new challenges. The need to ensure adequate
financing of energy investment in liberalised markets, the dramatic
emergence of new large consumers outside of the OECD and the recognition
of a shameful degree of energy poverty for more than a quarter
of the world's population, add new concerns for policymakers.
To understand and respond effectively, OECD countries need accurate
and timely data, detailed analysis, and exchanges of expertise
- all of which are core activities of the IEA. With these tools
and close cooperation with Member countries, the IEA is well-positioned
to face
these new and evolving challenges.
Looking forward, we believe the IEA will continue to play an important
role advising its Members on global energy policy.We will count
ourselves fortunate if we can achieve as much in the next thirty
years as was achieved in the first.
Claude Mandil
Executive Director』
1. World Energy Supply
2. Regional Energy Supply
3. Regional Oil Production
4. Regional Gas Production
5. Regional Coal Production
6. Annual Growth of Renewables Supply
7. World Electricity Generation
8. Final Consumption by Sector
9. Selected World Energy Indicators
10. Regional CO2 Emissions
11. Crude Oil Prices
12. Energy and Poverty
13. IEA Energy Supply
14. IEA Electricity Generation
15. IEA Oil Net Imports by Origin
16. Strategic Stocks of IEA Importing Countries
17. A Sectoral View of IEA Energy Demand
18. Final Energy Demand and Savings
19. Selected IEA Energy Indicators
20. Energy Intensity Effects by End-Use Sector
21. Selected Fuel Price Indices
22. IEA Government Budgets for Energy R&D
23. Increase in World Energy Production and Consumption
24. World Primary Energy Demand Outlook
25. Regional Primary Energy Demand Outlook
26. Global Oil Import Dependency
27. CO2 Emissions Outlook
28. Investment Needs in the Energy Sector
29. Regional Indicators
30. OECD Country Indicators
* Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES). Excludes
international marine bunkers and electricity trade. 〔International Energy Agency (2005): 30 Key Energy Trends - in the IEA & Worldwide. 30th Anniversary of the International Energy Agency, 35p.から〕 |