Thorium is three times more abundant in nature compared to
uranium and occurs mainly as ‘fertile’ 232Th isotope. From the
inception of nuclear power programme, the immense potential of
232Th for breeding human-made ‘fissile’ isotope 233U efficiently
in a thermal neutron reactor has been recognized. Several experimental
and prototype power reactors were successfully operated during
the mid 1950s to the mid 1970s using (Th, U)O2 and (Th, U)C2 fuels
in high temperature gas cooled reactors (HTGR), (Th, U)O2 fuel
in light water reactors (LWR) and Li7F/BeF2/ThF4/UF4 fuel in molten
salt breeder reactor (MSBR). 232Th and 233U are the best ‘fertile’
and ‘fissile’ materials respectively for thermal neutron reactors
and ‘thermal breeding’ has been demonstrated for (Th, U)O2 fuel
in the Shippingport light water breeder reactor (LWBR). ThO2 has
also been successfully used as blanket material in liquid metal
cooled fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) and for neutron flux flattening
of the initial core of pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR)
during startup. So far, thorium fuels have not been introduced
commercially because the estimated uranium resources turned out
to be sufficient. In recent years, there has been renewed and
additional interest in thorium because of: (i) the intrinsic proliferation
resistance of thorium fuel cycle due to the presence of 232U and
its strong gamma emitting daughter products, (ii) better thermo-physical
properties and chemical stability of ThO2, as compared to UO2,
which ensures better in-pile performance and a more stable waste
form, (iii) lesser long lived minor actinides than the traditional
uranium fuel cycle, (iv) superior plutonium incineration in (Th,
Pu)O2 fuel as compared to (U, Pu)O2 and (v) attractive features
of thorium related to accelerated driven system (ADS) and energy
amplifier (EA). However, there are several challenges in the front
and back end of the thorium fuel cycles. Irradiated ThO2 and spent
ThO2-based fuels are difficult to dissolve in HNO3 because of
the inertness of ThO2. The high gamma radiation associated with
the short lived daughter products of 232U, which is always associated
with 233U, necessitates remote reprocessing and refabrication
of fuel. The protactinium formed in thorium fuel cycle also cause
some problems, which need to be suitably resolved.
The information on thorium and thorium fuel cycles has been well
covered in the IAEATECDOC-1155 (May 2000) and IAEA-TECDOC-1319
(November 2002). The objective of the present TECDOC is to make
a critical review of recent knowledge on thorium fuel cycle and
its potential benefits and challenges, in particular, front end,
applying thorium fuel cycle options and back end of thorium fuel
cycles. The review has been prepared based on three consultancy
meetings held at IAEA, Vienna 1.3 July 2002, 14.16 April 2003
and 15.16 September 2003, where experts from Canada, France, India,
Israel, Japan, the Russian Federation, USA and IAEA had participated
and supported by information and published
papers from specialists on thorium fuels and fuel cycles.
The IAEA wishes to express its gratitude to C. Ganguly (India)
for chairing this working group and shaping this publication.
The IAEA officers responsible for this publication were F. Sokolov,
K. Fukuda and H.P. Nawada of the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle
and Waste Technology.
1. SUMMARY......................................................................................................................
2. RATIONALE FOR THORIUM.BASED FUEL CYCLES.............................................
3. IMPLEMENTATION SCENARIOS AND OPTIONS..................................................
3.1. Open and closed thorium fuel cycles................................................................
3.1.1. Open fuel cycle .....................................................................................
3.1.2. Closed fuel cycle...................................................................................
3.2. Nuclear systems and projects ...........................................................................
3.2.1. Light water reactors ..............................................................................
3.2.2. Heavy water reactors ............................................................................
3.2.3. High temperature gas cooled reactor ....................................................
3.2.4. Molten salt breeder reactor ...................................................................
3.2.5. Fast reactors ..........................................................................................
3.2.6. Accelerator driven system ....................................................................
3.3. Innovative fuel ..................................................................................................33
4. CURRENT INFORMATION BASE..............................................................................34
4.1. Nuclear data and methods.................................................................................
4.2. Fuel properties and irradiation behaviour.........................................................
4.3. Spent fuel isotopics, radiotoxicity and decay heat ...........................................
5. FRONT END ISSUES AND CHALLENGES...............................................................
5.1. Resources, mining and milling .........................................................................
5.2. Types of fuels and fuel elements ......................................................................
5.3. Fuel fabrication.................................................................................................49
5.3.1. Powder-pellet route...............................................................................
5.3.2. Sol-gel processes...................................................................................
5.3.3. Vibratory compaction ...........................................................................
5.3.4. Impregnation technique ........................................................................
5.3.5. Sol-gel microsphere pelletisation..........................................................
5.3.6. Coated fuel particles .............................................................................
6. BACK END ISSUES AND CHALLENGES.................................................................
6.1. Back end issues.................................................................................................65
6.2. Reprocessing.....................................................................................................69
6.2.1. Head end processes...............................................................................
6.2.2. Dissolution and solvent extraction........................................................
6.3. Waste management...........................................................................................76
6.4. Disposal of thoria fuels.....................................................................................
6.4.1. Introduction...........................................................................................
6.4.2. Chemistry of thoria ...............................................................................
6.4.3. Fission-product segregation..................................................................
6.4.4. Reactor operation..................................................................................
6.4.5. Conclusions...........................................................................................
7. PROLIFERATION RESISTANCE................................................................................79
7.1. Background.......................................................................................................79
7.2. An assessment of proliferation resistance.general approach
........................... 79
7.3. Thorium fuel cycle............................................................................................
7.4. Proliferation resistance effect of introducing Th.based
fuel............................ 81
8. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF TH.BASED FUEL CYCLES ..........................................
8.1. Background.......................................................................................................85
8.2. Fuel cycle cost model .......................................................................................
8.3. Fuel cycle cost for Th.based cycles .................................................................
8.4. Summary...........................................................................................................88
9. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................
CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW...........................................................
The outlook for nuclear power around the world has generally
brightened with progressive improvement in the operating performance
of existing reactors, ensuring economic competitiveness of nuclear
electricity in liberalized electricity markets. At the end of
2002, some 441 nuclear power plants, with total installed capacity
of 358 GW(e), were in operation worldwide, generating some 16%
of global electricity. In the reference scenario, the annual average
rate of growth of world nuclear capacity is expected to be in
the range of 0.9% up to the year 2025 by which time the total
installed nuclear power would be some 438 GW(e).
Thorium is 3 to 4 times more abundant than uranium and is widely
distributed in nature as an easily exploitable resource in many
countries. Unlike natural uranium, which contains ~0.7% ‘fissile’
235U isotope, natural thorium does not contain any ‘fissile’ material
and is made up of
the ‘fertile’ 232Th isotope only. Hence, thorium and thorium-based
fuel as metal, oxide or carbide, has been utilized in combination
with ‘fissile’ 235U or 239Pu in nuclear research and power reactors
for conversion to ‘fissile’ 233U, thereby enlarging the ‘fissile’
material resources. During the pioneering years of nuclear energy,
from the mid 1950s to mid 1970s, there was considerable interest
worldwide to develop thorium fuels and fuel cycles in order to
supplement uranium reserves. Thorium fuels and fuel cycles are
particularly relevant to countries having large thorium deposits
but very limited uranium reserves for their long term nuclear
power programme. The feasibility of thorium utilization in high
temperature gas cooled reactors (HTGR), light water reactors (LWR),
pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs), liquid metal cooled
fast breeder reactors (LMFBR) and molten salt breeder reactors
(MSBR) were demonstrated. These activities have been well documented
in several extensive reviews and conference proceedings published
by US Atomic Energy Commission [1], US Department of Energy [2],
[3], KfA, Germany [4] and IAEA [5]. More recently, the proceedings
of IAEA meetings on Thorium Fuel Utilization: Options and Trends
has summarized the activities and coordinated research projects
(CRP) of IAEA and the status of thorium fuel cycle option, including
ADS, in Member States [9]. The initial enthusiasm on
thorium fuels and fuel cycles was not sustained among the developing
countries later, due to new discovery of uranium deposits and
their improved availability. However, in recent times, the need
for proliferation-resistance, longer fuel cycles, higher burnup,
improved waste form characteristics, reduction of plutonium inventories
and in situ use of bred-in fissile material has led to renewed
interest in thorium-based fuels and fuel cycles in several developed
countries. The two main international projects, namely Innovative
Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles Programme (INPRO) initiated by
the IAEA and the US-led Generation IV International Forum (GIF),
are also considering thorium fuels and fuel cycles. Thorium fuels
and fuel cycles have the following benefits and challenges:
Table 1 summarizes the experimental reactors and power reactors where thorium based ceramic nuclear fuels have been used in the form of ‘coated fuel particles’ (‘microspheres’) in graphite matrix in HTGRs or as Zircaloy/stainless steel clad fuel pin assemblies containing high density ‘fuel pellets’ or ‘vibratory compacted’ fuel particles or microspheres. In the past, in the two helium cooled Pebble Bed HTGRs of Germany, namely AVR 15 MW(e) and THTR 300 MW(e), ‘coated fuel particles’ of highly enriched uranium (HEU).thorium, mixed oxide and mixed di-carbide, embedded in graphite matrix and consolidated in the form of spherical fuel elements of diameter ~60 mm were successfully utilized. Later, in the wake of international non-proliferation requirements, the HEU was replaced with low enriched uranium (LEU: <20% 235U). Coated fuel particles of mixed uranium thorium oxide and di-carbide, embedded in graphite, were also employed in the form of prismatic blocks in the helium.cooled HTGRs of USA, namely Peach Bottom (40 MW(e)) and Fort St. Vrain (330 MW(e)). The HTGR in UK, namely the Dragon reactor, has also used ‘coated fuel particles’ of mixed thorium uranium oxide and di.carbide in graphite matrix.