The role of hydrogen in long run sustainable energy scenarios
for the world and for the case of Germany is analysed, based on
key criteria for sustainable energy systems. The possible range
of hydrogen within long-term energy scenarios is broad and uncertain
depending on assumptions on used primary energy, technology mix,
rate of energy efficiency increase and costs degression (“learning
effects”). In any case, sustainable energy strategies must give
energy efficiency highest priority combined with an accelerated
market introduction of renewables (“integrated strategy”). Under
these conditions hydrogen will play a major role not before 2030
using natural gas as a bridge to renewable hydrogen. Against the
background of an ambitious CO2-reduction
goal which is under discussion in Germany the potentials for efficiency
increase, the necessary structural change of the power plant system
(corresponding to the decision to phase out nuclear energy, the
transformation of the transformation sector and the market implementation
order of renewable energies (“following efficiency guidelines
first for electricity generation purposes, than for heat generation
and than for the transportation sector”)) are analysed based on
latest sustainable energy scenarios.
Keywords: Hydrogen; Sustainable energy systems; Energy efficiency』
1. Why thinking about new fuels - “business as usual” is
2. Future uncertainties: a great range of hydrogen in world energy
3. Enhancing energy productivity: a necessary, but not sufficient
condition for sustainable development
4. Case studies for German: sustainable energy systems can be
4.1. Sustainable energy systems presuppose advanced efficiency
4.2. Substantial change of electricity supply is needed
4.3. Efficiency improvements can “buy down the costs” of renewable
electricity supply
4.4. Economics make hydrogen based on renewables a long-term
4.5. Interlinkages between the market introduction of future
technologies and behaviour changes
5. Conclusions
Further reading