OECD/IEA(2010): Technology Roadmap Solar photovoltaic energy. 48p.


Table of Contents

Key findings 3
Introduction 5
 The rationale for PV 5
 The purpose of the roadmap 6
PV status today 7
 Technology performance and cost 7
 Market trends 9
 Research and development 11
Vision for PV deployment and CO2 abatement potential 13
 Electricity generation and cumulative installed capacity 13
 Applications and market end-use sectors 17
 Cost reduction goals 18
 PV market deployment and competitiveness levels 19
 CO2 emissions reduction 21
Technology development: Strategic goals and milestones 22
 Technology trends 22
 Specific technology goals and R&D issues 23
Policy frameworks: Roadmap actions and milestones 27
 Regulatory framework and support incentives 27
 Market facilitation and transformation 29
 Technology development and RD&D 30
 International collaboration 32
Conclusion: Actions for stakeholders and next steps 35

Appendix I. References and roadmaps consulted 37
Appendix II. List of relevant websites 39
Appendix III. List of workshop participants and reviewers 40
Appendix IV. Abbreviations, acronyms and units 42

Conclusion: Actions for stakeholders and next steps

This roadmap has responded to the G8 and other government leaders’ requests for more detailed analysis regarding the growth pathway for PV
energy, an important GHG mitigation technology. It describes approaches and specific tasks regarding PV research, development, and deployment;
financing mechanisms; grid integration; legal and regulatory frameworks; public engagement; and international collaboration. It provides regional
and end-use sector projections for PV deployment from 2010 to 2050. The roadmap identifies the next decade as a critical time window in order to accelerate the development and deployment of PV technologies. Achieving this roadmap’s vision will require a strong, long-term and balanced policy effort in the next decade to allow for optimal technology progress, cost reduction and ramp-up of industrial manufacturing for mass deployment. Priority actions for the next ten years include:

The table below details actions and milestones to aid policy makers, industry and power-system actors in their efforts to successfully implement PV energy.

The PV roadmap is meant to be a process, one that evolves to take into account new technology developments, policies and international
collaborative efforts. The roadmap has been designed with milestones that the international community can use to ensure that PV energy
development efforts are on track to achieve the GHG emissions reductions that are required by 2050. As such, the IEA, together with government, industry and NGO stakeholders will report regularly on the progress that has been achieved toward this roadmap’s vision. For more information about the PV roadmap inputs and implementation, including additional analysis that informed the conclusions in this document, visit www.iea.org/roadmaps.

Figure 1: Current performance and price of different PV module technologies*
Note: all values refer to 2008

Figure 2: Cumulative installed global PV capacity
Source: IEA PVPS for those IEA PVPS countries reporting data; estimates for other countries.

Figure 3: Solar PV markets in leading countries

Figure 5: Global PV power generation and relative share of total electricity generation
Note: The share of total electricity generation is calculated with the projected world lectricity.

Figure 11: Photovoltaic technology status and prospects
Source: IEA PVPS.

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