カナダ地質調査所(Geological Survey of Canada)による『Mineral Deposits of Canada Maps of deposits and resources(world)』から
 Kimberlite Diamond 〔キンバーライト ダイヤモンド(鉱床)〕

Kimberlite Diamond Deposits
by B.A. Kjarsgaard

Contents of this page:

Grade, Tonnage, and Value Statistics
Geological Attributes
Key Exploration Criteria
Knowledge Gaps
Areas of High Diamond Potential in Canada


Diamonds have formed over a signifi cant period of the Earth’s history, from ca. 3.57 Ga to 88 Ma, and probably to present day. Macrodiamonds are interpreted to crystallize from low-density fl uids, or carbon- and water-rich melts at pressures >~4.0 GPa and temperatures <~1350°C. These P?T conditions are met within thick, old lithospheric mantle roots that have low paleogeothermal gradients, and these roots lie under ancient continental nuclei. Kimberlite-hosted diamond mines occur in these cratonic shield regions that are older than 2.5 Ga. Macrodiamonds are transported as xenocrysts from the mantle to the surface by kimberlite magmas. The initiation of kimberlite magmatism is at depth in the asthenospheric mantle (>150 km), although the initiation and generation of kimberlite magma is poorly understood. Kimberlites magmas generate a range of rocks that form a wide variety of landforms and intrusions, in many aspects similar to that generated by small-volume alkali basaltic volcanic systems. Kimberlite bodies typically form from multiple intrusive and/or extrusive events; these discrete events form distinct kimberlite phases. These individual kimberlite phases are characterized by differing textures, mineralogy and geochemistry, and diamond grade, size populations and morphology, and value.

Figure 10:
The classic South African model of a kimberlite pipe with old nomenclature (left side of figure) and a simpler, revised two-fold nomenclature system (right side of figure) to describe rocks from kimberlite magmatic systems (Mitchell, 1995; Kjarsgaard, 2003; Sparks et al., 2006). PK = pyroclastic kimberlite; RVK = resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite; MVK = massive volcaniclastic kimberlite; HK = hypabyssal kimberlite. Figure modified after Kjarsgaard, 2003).

Figure 19:
Geological cross section of the steep sided, inverted cone shaped Koala kimberlite body, Ekati Mine, Lac de Gras field. Phase 7 is hypabyssal kimberlite (HK) and Phase 6 is pyroclastic kimberlite (PK) (Crawford et al., 2006). Phase 5 is interpreted here as syn-eruption resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK-1), phase 4 and 3 are interpreted here as crater lake sediments, and phases 2 and 1 are interpreted as post-eruption resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK-2). Internal phases within phase 1 & 2 demarcated by dashed lines. Modified after Nowicki et al. (2003) and Crawford et al., (2006).

Figure 20:
A) Scaled model for the reconstruction of a kimberlite tephra cone at the Koala pipe, NWT. The tephra cone is 600 m in diameter and 108 m high with a crater rim diameter of 300 m an angle of repose of ~36°, and an internal crater wall angle of ~78°. The tephra cone sits on a 32 m thick Mesozoic cover sequence, on top of Archean granitoids. B) Resedimentation of kimberlite (from the tephra cone) and cover sequence sediments by grain flow and slumping processes, into the open excavated pipe. The model assumes it is not feasible for the entire tephra cone to be resedimented into the open pipe, i.e., tephra will also be displaced away from the open pipe. 1:1 scale, no vertical exaggeration. Adapted and modified after Kjarsgaard (2003, 2007).

Figure 21:
Highly oversimplified (non-relevant) models of kimberlite pipes (adapted from Scott-Smith, 2006; [Fig. 21 A, B] and Field and Scott-Smith, 1999) Fig. 21 C]) Note the original figures are to the correct scale in this diagram. Compare A) with Fig. 17 and note there is no relationship. See the text and also Kjarsgaard et al. (2007) for further discussion of the geometry and architecture of Fort a la Corne kimberlites. Contrast the additional complexity of a Lac de Gras kimberlite (Fig. 19) with that shown in Figure 21 B. The 'classic South African model' kimberlite pipe shown in Figure 21 C exhibits a regular change in geologic units from PK and RVK (top) to MVK (middle) to HK (bottom) which is a severe oversimplification of the morphology of this style of kimberlite pipe (compare with Figs. 18 a, b, c).

カナダ地質調査所(Geological Survey of Canada)による『Mineral Deposits of Canada Maps of deposits and resources(world)』から
