@The black limestone widely used in Slovenian monuments, particularly
in the baroque architecture, is deteriorating extensively due
to salt crystallization. Samples of soluble salts from two important
historical monuments (in Ljubljana), Slovenia) were investigated
in terms of their mineral and isotopic (S and O) compositions.
Results revealed the presence of gypsum and soluble salts of the
MgSO4EnH2O series, such
as starkeyite (MgSO4E4H2O),
pentahydrite (MgSO4E5H2O)
and hexahydrite (MgSO4E6H2O).
whereas black crusts and subflorescences consisted of gypsum,
efflorescences appeared to be an assemblage of gypsum and MgSO4 hydrates. Sample Β18Osulfate
values varied from -1.9ρ to +5.5ρ vs. V-SMOW and Β34Ssulfate values from -19.8ρ to +3.2ρ vs. C-CDT.
The respective isotopic composition of analysed outdoor and indoor
monument samples indicated different sources of contamination.x
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
@2.1. Sampling
@2.2. Methods
3. Results and discussion
@3.1. Salt-related weathering forms
@3.2. Mineral composition
@3.3. Isotopic composition
@@3.3.1. Oxygen isotopic composition
@@3.3.2. Sulfur isotopic composition
4. Conclusions