The upper Amur region comprises weathering crusts (waste mantle
developed at copper-nickel sulfide deposits included), which appreciably
hamper the prospecting for such deposits. In order to develop
their prospecting criteria, the composition of linear weathering
crusts above a nickeliferous cortlandite dike and barren pyroxenite
dike, as well as in the fracture zone above metamorphic rocks,
was investigated. The chemical composition of material in the
weathering crust and the mineral composition of newly formed clay
fractions and heavy concentrate were determined. It was established
that weathering crust in the nickeliferous cortlandite dike is
characterized by the prevalence of fine jarosite fraction with
crystobalite admixture. The heavy concentrate samples contain
jarosite along with a small amount of relict sulfides (pyrite
and galena) and native gold. These criteria can be used in the
prospecting for copper-nickel sulfide mineralization in the upper
Amur region and other similar regions.』
Geological setting of the studied objects