Hellmann & Tisserand(2006)による〔『Dissolution kinetics as a function of the Gibbs free energy of reaction: An experimental study based on albite feldspar』(364p)から〕


 Here we report on an experimental investigation of the relation between the dissolution rate of albite feldspar and the Gibbs free energy of reaction, 僭r. The experiments were carried out in a continuously stirred flow-through reactor at 150℃ and pH(150℃) 9.2. The dissolution rates R are based on steady-state Si and Al concentrations and sample mass loss. The overall relation between 僭r and R was determined over a free energy range of -150<僭r<-15.6 kJ mol-1. The data define a continuous and highly non-linear, sigmoidal relation between R and 僭r that is characterized by three distinct free energy regions. The region furthest from equilibrium, delimited by -150<僭r<-70 kJ mol-1, represents an extensive dissolution rate plateau with an average rate R(頭に-) = 1.0×10-8 mol m-2 s-1. In this free energy range the rates of dissolution are constant and independent of 僭r, as well as [Si] and [Al]. The free energy range delimited by -70≦僭r≦-25 kJ mol-1, referred to as the ‘transition equilibrium’ region, is characterized by a sharp decrease in dissolution rates with increasing 僭r, indicating a very strong inverse dependence of the rates on free energy. Dissolution nearest equilibrium, defined by 僭r>-25 kJ mol-1, represents the ‘near equilibrium’ region where the rates decreases as chemical equilibrium is approached, but with a much weaker dependence on 僭r. The lowest rate measured in this study, R = 6.2×10-11 mol m-2 s-1 at僭r = -16.3 kJ mol-1, is more than two orders of magnitude slower than the plateau rate. The data have been fitted to a rate equation (adapted from Burch et al.[Burch,T.E., Nagy,K.L., Lasaga,A.C., 1993. Free energy dependence of albite dissolution kinetics at 80℃ and pH 8.8. Chem.Geol. 105, 137-162]) that represents the sum of two parallel reactions
   R = k1 [1-exp (-ngm1)] + k2 [1-exp (-g)]m2,
where k1 and k2 are rate constants that have been determined by regression, with values 1.02×10-8 and 1.80×10-10 mol m-2 s-1, g =|僭r|/RT is a dimensionless number, and n, m1, and m2 are adjustable fitted parameters (n = 7.98×10-5, m1 = 3.81 and m2 = 1.17). Based on measurements of the temporal evolution of RSi and RAl for each experiment, steady-state dissolution rates appear to be congruent at all 僭r. In contrast, non-steady-state dissolution is incongruent, and is related to 僭r. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of post-reaction grain surfaces indicate that dissolution close to equilibrium (僭r>-25 kJ mol-1) resulted in the precipitation of a secondary crystalline phase, but there are no indications that this altered the measured R-僭r relation.』

 ここで我々は、アルバイトの溶解速度と反応のギブス自由エネルギー僭rの間の関係の実験的研究について報告する。実験は150℃およびpH(150℃) 9.2において、連続攪拌式フロースルー反応器で行われた。溶解速度Rは定常状態のSiとAl濃度と試料質量損失に基づいている。僭rとR間の全体的な関係は、-150<僭r<-15.6 kJ/モルの自由エネルギー範囲について決定された。データは、Rと3つの異なった自由エネルギー領域によって特徴づけられる僭r との間の連続的でかつ非常に非線形のS字状関係を明示する。-150<僭r<-70 kJ/モルで境界が定められた、平衡からもっとも離れた領域は、R(頭に-) = 1.0×10-8モル/m2/秒の平均速度をもつ広い溶解速度の平坦域を示す。この自由エネルギー範囲で溶解速度は一定で、[Si] と[Al]だけでなく 僭rと無関係である。「遷移平衡」領域とみなされる-70≦僭r≦-25 kJ/モルにより境界が定められた自由エネルギー範囲は、僭rの増加とともに溶解速度が急激に減少することで特徴づけられる、これは自由エネルギーに対する速度の非常に強い逆依存関係を示す。僭r>-25 kJ/モルで定められる、もっとも平衡に近い溶解は、化学平衡が達せられるにつれ速度が減少するが僭rへの依存も非常に弱くなる「近平衡」領域を示す。僭r = -16.3 kJ/モルでR = 6.2×10-11モル/m2/秒という本研究で測定されたもっとも低い速度は、平坦域速度より2桁以上も低い。データは次の2つの平行な反応の和をしめす反応式(Burch et al.から改定[Burch,T.E., Nagy,K.L., Lasaga,A.C., 1993. Free energy dependence of albite dissolution kinetics at 80℃ and pH 8.8.(80℃およびpH 8.8におけるアルバイト溶解カイネティックスの自由エネルギー依存) Chem.Geol. 105, 137-162])に適合させられた:
   R = k1 [1-exp (-ngm1)] + k2 [1-exp (-g)]m2,
ここで、k1 と k2 は回帰によって決定された速度定数であり、1.02×10-8 と 1.80×10-10モル/m2/秒の値をもち、g =|僭r|/RTは無次元数で、nとm1とm2 は調節できる適合パラメーターである(n = 7.98×10-5、m1 = 3.81、m2 = 1.17)。各実験でのRSi と RAl の時間変化の測定に基づけば、定常状態溶解速度はあらゆる僭rでコングリュエント(調和的)であるように見える。対照的に、非定常状態溶解はインコングリュエント(不調和的)であり、僭rに関係している。反応後の粒子表面の走査電顕(SEM)像は、平衡に近い溶解(僭r>-25 kJ/モル)は二次結晶質相の沈殿を生じることを示すが、これが測定されるR-僭r 関係を変えることを示してはいない。』

1. Introduction
 1.1. Importance of dissolution rates and 僭r for feldspar
2. Theoretical background
3. Materials and methods
 3.1. Albite samples
 3.2. Experimental methods
  3.2.1. Reactor systems
  3.2.2. Reactor input solution
  3.2.3. Experimental protocol and analytical procedures
 3.3. Experimental calculations
  3.3.1. Dissolution rates
 3.4. Theoretical calculations
  3.4.1. Free energy of dissolution 僭r
4. Results and discussion
 4.1. Behavior of dissolution rate curves as a function of 僭r
 4.2. Steady-state dissolution rates as a function of 僭r
 4.3. Overall R-僭r relation
 4.4. Evolution of Si : Al stoichiometry and rates of dissolution with time and 僭r
  4.4.1. Steady-state Si : Al stoichiometry
  4.4.2. Non-steady-state Si : Al stoichiometry
 4.5. Precipitation of secondary phases
  4.5.1. SEM images
  4.5.2. Did secondary phase formation affect the R-僭r relation?
5. Conclusions
Appendix A
