The high-FeO olivine-rich rock from the Lovasjarvi(aの頭に¨)
intrusion (65% olivine, 20% plagioclase, 8% magnetite, 4% pyroxene
and 3% serpentine) has been proposed as a potential redox-active
backfill-additive in deep high level nuclear waste repositories.
In this work, the authors report on kinetic dissolution studies
of this solid under different pH and redox conditions performed
by using a flow-through methodology. Assuming that silicon is
mainly released to solution from the olivine contained in the
solid, the experimental results have been adjusted to an empirical
rate law as a function of proton concentration. The proton concentration
reaction orders agree with results found in the literature for
both acidic and alkaline pH ranges. The calculations conducted
with the reactive transport code RETRASO show that at alkaline
pH, the olivine rock might have a lower redox buffer capacity
than expected.』
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Dissolution experiments
3.2. Modelling of the Lovasjarvi(aの頭に¨)
intrusion rock dissolution behaviour
3.3. Implications for the role of Lovasjarvi(aの頭に¨)
olivine rock for the performance assessment of a deep repository
for waste disposal
4. Conclusions