High-resolution in situ X-ray specular reflectivity was used
to measure the structures of orthoclase (001) and (010) cleavage
surfaces in contact with deionized water at 25℃. X-ray reflectivity
data demonstrate a high degree of structural similarity between
these two orthoclase-water interfaces. Both interfacial structures
include cleavage along the plane of mineral bond breakage resulting
in surfaces terminated by non-bridging oxygens; structured water
within 5Åof the orthoclase surface (consisting of adsorbed species
at the surface and layered water above the surface), with a featureless
water profile beyond 5Å; substitution of outermost K+
ions by an oxygen containing species (presumably H3O+);
and small structural displacements of the near surface atoms.
The interfacial water structure, in comparison with recent results
for other mineral-water interfaces, is intermediate between the
minimal structure found at calcite-, barite-, and quartz-water
interfaces and the more extensive structure found at the muscovite-water
1. Introduction
2. Experimental details
3. Orthoclase (001)- and (010)-water interface structures
3.1. Comparison of reflectivity data and best-fit models
3.2. Detailed description of structural models
3.3. Description of the best-fit models
3.3.1. Orthoclase (001)
3.3.2. Orthoclase (010)
4. Summary and conclusion