Kohler(oの頭に¨) et al.(2003)〔『An experimental study of illite dissolution kinetics as a function of pH from 1.4 to 12.4 and temperature from 5 to 50℃』(3583p)から〕


 Dissolution rates of natural illite (Illite du Puy) were measured from Si release rates during closed system experiments at pH ranging from 1.4 to 12.4 and temperatures ranging from 5 to 50℃. Experiments performed at 4<pH<11 exhibited reactive fluid Si/Al concentration ratios that were inconsistent with stoichiometric illite dissolution likely due to secondary phase precipitation. In contrast, after an initial preferential release of aluminum relative to silicon, the reactive fluid Si/Al concentration ratio evolution was consistent with stoichiometric illite dissolution for all experiments conducted at 4>pH>11. Si release rate decreased with time during all experiments; for those experiments performed at 4>pH>11 this observation can be attributed to either 1) changing reactive surface area; 2) the effect of initial fine particle dissolution; or 3) a negative order of the illite dissolution reaction with respect to aqueous Al and/or Si. Measured dissolution rates exhibited a typical variation with pH; rates decrease with increasing pH at acid conditions, minimize at near to neutral pH and increase with increasing pH at basic conditions. An empirical expression describing rates obtained in the present study is given by
   AH exp (−EAH+/RT) aH+0.6AH2O exp (−EAH2ORT)AOH exp (−EAOH-RT) aOH-0.6
where AH , AH2O and AOH equal 2.2×10-4, 2.5×10-13 and 0.27 mol m-2s-1, EAi stands for activation energies equal to 46, 14 and 67 kJ mol-1, R designates the gas constant, T refers to absolute temperature, and ai signifies the activity of the subscripted aqueous species.』

『天然イライト(Illite du Puy)の溶解速度が、1.4〜12.4にわたるpHおよび5〜50℃にわたる温度での閉鎖系実験におけるSi 放出速度から測定された。4<pH<11で行われた実験は、2次相によると思われる化学量論的なイライトの溶解とは一致しない反応流体Si/Al濃度比を示した。対照的に、ケイ素に対するアルミニウムの初期優先放出後に、反応流体Si/Al 濃度比の発達は、4>pH>11で行われたすべての実験で化学量論的なイライトの溶解に一致した。Si放出速度はすべての実験の間に時間と共に減少した;4>pH>11で行われたこれらの実験について、この観察は次のいずれかにより説明できる:1)反応表面積の変化、2)初期細粒粒子溶解の影響、または3)溶質Alおよび/またはSiに関するイライト溶解反応の負の次数。測定した溶解速度はpHとともに典型的な変動を示した;速度は酸性条件でpHの増加と共に減少し、中性pHおよびその近くで最小となり、塩基性条件でpHの増加と共に増加する。本研究で得られた速度を記述する経験式は次式で与えられる:
   AH exp (−EAH+/RT) aH+0.6AH2O exp (−EAH2ORT)AOH exp (−EAOH-RT) aOH-0.6
ここで、AH AH2O、およびAOH は2.2×10-4、2.5×10-13、および0.27モル/m2/秒に等しく、EAi は46、14、および67 kJ/モルに等しい活性化エネルギーであり、R はガス定数を示し、T は絶対温度を表し、ai は下付けの溶存種の活動度を示す。』

1. Introduction
2. Material and methods
3. Experimental results
4. Discussion
 4.1. Apparent illite dissolution rate variation as a function of elapsed time
 4.2. Comparison with dissolution rates of other clay minerals
 4.3. An empirical equation describing apparent illite dissolution rates obtained in the present study
5. Conclusion
