【フロー型反応器(mixed flow reactor)によるカリ長石の溶解実験】
【溶解速度式:r = k+ (1/aAl(OH)4-aH+)1/3(1 - exp (-A/3RT))】
Steady state dissolution rates of a K-rich feldspar (K0.81Na0.15Ba0.03Al1.05Si2.96O8) were measured as
a function of chemical affinity and aqueous Si and Al concentration
in solutions containing 5×10-3 m total K using a titanium
mixed flow reactor at a temperature of 150゜C and pH of 9.0. All
dissolution experiments exhibited stoichiometric dissolution with
respect to Al and Si. The concentration of aqueous silica and
Al ranged from 1×10-6 to 5×10-4 mol/kg and
4×10-7 to 5×10-4 mol/kg, respectively, corresponding
to K-feldspar chemical affinities ranging from 〜90 to 〜5
kJ/mol. Logarithms of measured dissolution rates are an inverse
linear function of aqueous aluminum concentration, but independent
of aqueous silica concentration at all chemical affinities
greater than 〜20 kJ/mol. These rates become increasingly controlled
by chemical affinity as equilibrium is approached. This
variation of steady state dissolution rates is consistent with
their control by the decomposition of silica rich/aluminum deficient
surface precursor complex. Taking account of transition
state theory and the identity of reactions to form this precursor
complex, an equation was derived to describe the steady state
dissolution rates over the full range of chemical affinity.
A simplified but less general version of this equation, which
can be used to describe the steady state rates (r) obtained in
the present study can be expresses as
r = k+ (1/aAl(OH)4-aH+)1/3(1 - exp (-A/3RT)),
where k+ stands for a rate constant equal
to 1.7×10-17 mol/cm2/s, aH+
and aAl(OH)4- designate the activities
of H+ and Al(OH)4-,
respectively, A refers to the chemical affinity of the
overall reaction, R signifies the gas constant, and T denotes
the temperature in K. Corresponding experiments performed in a
batch-type reactor illustrate the consistency between dossolution
rates generated in open and closed systems.』
5×10-3 モルの溶液中で、 化学親和力ならびにSiとAl濃度の関数として測定された。溶解実験のすべては、AlとSiに関して化学量論的な溶解を示した。溶存シリカとAlの濃度は、それぞれ1×10-6
〜 5×10-4 mol/kg および 4×10-7 〜 5×10-4
mol/kgで、カリ長石の化学親和力として〜90 から 〜5 kJ/molに相当する。測定した溶解速度の対数は、溶存アルミニウム濃度と逆比例するが、〜20
r = k+ (1/aAl(OH)4-aH+)1/3(1 - exp (-A/3RT))
ここで、k+ は1.7×10-17 mol/cm2/秒という値をもつ速度定数、aH+ および aAl(OH)4-
はそれぞれH+ および Al(OH)4-の活動度、Aは全体の反応の化学親和力、Rはガス定数、Tはケルビンでの温度を示す。バッチ型反応器で行った類似の実験から、開放系および閉鎖系で得られた溶解速度には矛盾はみられないことが示された。』
Theoretical considerations
Experimental methods
Results and discussion
Open-system experiments
Closed-system experiments
Experimental and computational uncertainties