Oelkers & Gislason(2001)による〔『The mechanism, rates and consequences of basaltic glass dissolution: I. An experimental study of the dissolution rates of basaltic glass as a function of aqueous Al, Si and oxalic acid concentration at 25゜C and pH = 3 and 11』(3671p)から〕


【フロー型反応器(mixed flow reactor)による玄武岩質ガラスの溶解実験】

 Steady state basaltic glass dissolution rates were measured as a function of aqueous aluminum, silica, and oxalic acid concentration at 25゜C and pH 3 and 11. All rates were measured in mixed flow reactors, performed in solutions that were strongly undersaturated with respect to hydrous basaltic glass, and exhibited stoichiometric Si versus Al release. Rates are independent of aqueous silica activity, but decrease with increasing aqueous aluminum activity at both acidic and basic conditions. Increasing oxalic acid concentration increased basaltic glass dissolution rates at pH 3, but had little affect at pH 11. All measured rates can be described within experimental uncertainty using
   r = k (aH+3/aAl+3)0.35
where r signifies the surface area normalized basaltic glass steady state dissolution rate, k refers to a rate constant equal to 10-11.65(mol of Si)/cm2/s, and ai represents the activity of the subscripted aqueous species.
 The observation that all rates obtained in the present study can be described by a single regression equation supports strongly the likelihood that basaltic glass dissolution is controlled by a single mechanism at both acidic and basic pH and in both the presence and absence of organic acids. Taking account of the dissolution mechanisms of similarly structured and compositioned minerals, and previously published studies of basaltic glass dissolution behavior, basaltic glass dissolution likely proceeds via 1) the relatively rapid and essentially complete removal of univalent and divalent cations from the near surface; 2) aluminum releasing exchange reactions between three aqueous H+ and Al in the basaltic glass structure; followed by 3) the relatively slow detachment of partially liberated silica. The breaking of Al-O bonds does not destroy the glass framework; it only partially liberates the silica tetrahedral chains by removing adjoining Al atoms. Basaltic glass dissolution rates are proportional to the concentration of partially detached framework Si tetrahedra near the surface, which is linked through the law of mass action for the Al/proton exchange reaction to aqueous aluminum activity.』

   r = k (aH+3/aAl+3)0.35
ここで、rは表面積でノーマライズした玄武岩質ガラスの定常状態溶解速度、kは速度定数で10-11.65(Siのmol)/cm2/秒という値、ai は i に示す溶存化学種の活動度である。
 本研究で得られた速度のすべてがたった一つの回帰曲線で記述できるという結果は、玄武岩質ガラスの溶解が酸性と塩基性の両方のpHおよび有機酸の有無にかかわらず、たった一つのメカニズムによりコントロールされる可能性を強く支持している。類似の構造と組成を持つ鉱物の溶解メカニズム、および玄武岩質ガラスの溶解挙動についての従来の研究を考慮すると、玄武岩質ガラスの溶解は次のように進むと考えられる:1)表面から1価および2価の陽イオンが比較的急速にそして本質的に完全に除去されること;2) 3つの溶存H+ と玄武岩質ガラス構造中のAlとの間に、アルミニウムを放出する交換反応が生じること;3)部分的に遊離したシリカが比較的ゆっくり分離すること。Al-O結合の切断はガラスのフレームワークを破壊しない;それは、隣接したAl原子を取り去ることで、シリカ四面体鎖を部分的に遊離するだけである。玄武岩質ガラスの溶解速度は、表面近くで部分的に分離したフレームワークのSi四面体の濃度に比例し、それはAl/プロトン交換反応に対する質量作用の法則を通じて、溶存アルミニウム活動度と結びついている。』

1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background
3. Material preparation and experimental methods
4. Results and discussion
5. Experimental and computational uncertainties
6. Conclusions
