【フロー型反応器(flow-through reactor)によるアルカリ長石の溶解実験】
【 intragranular microtextures(exsolution lamellae)とmicrostructures(dislocations)の検討】
Electron microscopic observations of alkali feldspars from soils
show that intragranular microtextures, such as exsolution lamellae,
and microstructures, primarily dislocations, are both highly significant
determinants of the weathering behaviour of these minerals. In
particular, strained structure around intersecting edge dislocations
in the plane of exsolution lamellae,〜(601)〔6の下のバーは実際は上〕,
dissolves at a rate which is orders of magnitude greater than
unstrained feldspar, producing a mesh of intersecting etch tubes
extending >5×10-3 cm into the crystal. As a result,
dissolution at dislocations is the major source of solutes during
initial stages of chemical weathering in the field. With progressive
chemical weathering, the most highly reactive feldspar is consumed
by growth and coalescence of etch tubes, but outer parts of the
grain are physically weakened, leading to mechanical flaking that
increases available surface area and exposes further reactive
sites. In contrast, previous dissolution experiments, and microscopy
of reacted surfaces, have shown little or no correlation between
dissolution rate and dislocation density and few visible signs
of dissolution at particularly reactive sites.
To resolve the apparent discrepancy between field and laboratory
behaviour we have carried out flow-through dissolution experiments
using pH 2 HCl at 25゜C on three alkali feldspars with carefully
characterized intragranular microtextures and microstructures.
These alkali feldspars were: (1) Eifel sanidine, an alkali feldspar
that has no microtextures at the TEM scale and a low dislocation
density (<106 cm-2), (2) unweathered alkali
feldspars from the Shep Granite, which have a mainly coarse exsolution
microtextures and higher dislocation density (>2-3×108
cm-2), and (3) naturally weathered alkali feldspars,
also from the Shap Granite, which have the same microtextures
as unweathered Shap Granite alkali feldspars but, because they
have been weathered, have a lower density of dissolution reactive
dislocations exposed on grain surfaces (<2-3×108 cm-2).
Results from the experiments are ambiguous. If the rate data are
normalised to the powder's initial BET surface area, dissolution
rates increase with dislocation density. Normalisation to the
powder's BET surface area as it is inferred to have changed during
the experiments, yields no correlation with dislocation density.
SEM and AFM images of reacted grain surfaces show that dislocation
outcrops and albite exsolution lamellae have both etched more
rapidly than tweed orthoclase, but dissolution at these sites
makes a quantitatively insignificant contribution to the overall
rate of laboratory dissolution of the feldspar powders. Major
differences in the importance of dislocations to rates of early
chemical weathering in field and laboratory contexts probably
result from corresponding contrasts in the saturation state of
ambient solutions. Observations of naturally weathered alkali
feldspars show that microtextures and microstructures have the
greatest impact on mineral weathering rates during advanced stages
of dissolution when grain surfaces start to disintegrate. Hundreds
of years of dissolution under the laboratory conditions used here
would be required to reach this stage.』
1. Introduction
Symbols used
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Collection, preparation and imaging of naturally weathered
alkali feldspars
2.1.1. Soil water compositions
2.2. Alkali feldspars used in the experiments
2.2.1. Selection of alkali feldspars
2.2.2. Preparation and characterisation of feldspar powders
2.2.3. Surface area determinations
2.3. Flow-through experiments
3. Natural weathering of Shap granite alkali feldspars
3.1. Microtextures of unweathered feldspars
3.2. Natural weathering behaviour
4. Experimental results
4.1. Solution chemistry
4.2. SEM and AFM characterisation of reacted grain surfaces
5. Discussion
5.1. Role of different surface sites in influencing mineral weathering
5.2. Natural weathering of Shap granite alkali feldspars
5.2.1. Mechanisms of chemical weathering
5.2.2. Rates of early chemical weathering
5.2.3. Mechanical weathering of grain surfaces
5.3. Laboratory dissolution: Influence of microtextures and microstructures
5.3.1. Interpretation of rate data
5.3.2. Quantitative role of microtextures and microstructures
6. Importance of dislocation density in weathering
6.1. Impact of dislocation density on Rlab
and Rfield
6.1.1. Explanation for contrasts in microtextural and microstructural
control on chemical weathering rates between the laboratory and
6.2. Natural mechanical weathering
7. Conclusions