Anderko,A. and Shuler,P.J.(1997): A
computational approach to predicting the formation of iron sulfide
species using stability diagrams. Computers & Geosciences,
23(6), 647-658.
A program has been developed for generating stability diagrams
that combine the principles of the Pourbaix E-pH diagrams with
a rigorous and predictive thermodynamic model for multicomponent,
nonideal; aqueous solutions. Since the diagrams are based on a
realistic model for the aqueous phase, they are referred to as
real-solution stability diagrams. They are valid for solutions
ranging from dilute to concentrated (up to 30 mol kg-1)
at temperatures up to 300℃ and pressures up to 1 kbar. The stability
diagrams are used to predict the conditions that favor the stability
of various iron sulfide species. For this purpose, the applicability
of the diagrams is extended to include the prediction of both
stable and metastable products. The diagrams indicate that the
formation of iron monosulfide follows the FeHS+→amorphous
FeS→mackinawite→pyrrhotite replacement sequence. It is predicted
that a transformation of iron monosulfides to pyrite may occur
through greigite and/or marcasite. Greigite is predicted to be
absent in strictly reducing environments. The predictions are
in agreement with experimental data on iron sulfide formation
in solution and/or at the iron/solution interface.
Key Words: Iron sulfides; Thermodynamics; Speciation; Stability
diagrams; H2S corrosion』
Structure of the program
Results and discussion
Thermodynamic framework
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